Poland was left without oil. Russia blocked the "Druzhba" pipeline | Geoenergy Info

Опубликовано: 04 Март 2023
на канале: Геоэнергетика ИНФО

Poland was left without oil. Russia blocked the "Druzhba" pipeline. Geoenergy Info
Russia completely stopped oil supplies to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline. According to the Polish concern PKN Orlen, Russian oil is no longer supplied to Poland via the Druzhba pipeline. Deliveries under the last valid contract, which covered approximately 10 percent of PKN Orlen's needs, were stopped by the Russian side. At the moment, Poland receives Russian oil only through pipelines. And the available volumes are not that big, the contract provides for the pumping of 200,000 tons per month. As has been repeatedly stated in Warsaw, Poland intends to completely stop buying Russian oil.
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