Who will be asked for Gas: Gazprom has left Germany and taken preventive steps | Geoenergy Info

Опубликовано: 12 Апрель 2022
на канале: Геоэнергетика ИНФО

Who will be asked for Gas: Gazprom has LEFT Germany and Taken Preventive Steps. Alexander Frolov and Boris #Martsinkevich. Geoenergy Info
The German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has taken control of Gazprom's German subsidiary Gazprom Germania GmbH. The German authorities said that this is a necessary step for the country's energy supply. Since the beginning of April, the Gazprom Group has ceased participation in the business of its German subsidiary and all its assets. Bloomberg wrote that Berlin is trying to find buyers for Gazprom Germania GmbH so that the company does not have to be nationalized.
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