This video presents some literature on the determinant of entrepreneurial intention. During these days, they many people or organization involved in promoting entrepreneurship. In most of the case, no specific studies are conducted to in identifying the determinant of entrepreneurial intention. This practice may be misleading as factors that determine entrepreneurship intention are varying. Based on the literature on determinant of entrepreneurship intention, we show that results on determinant of entrepreneurship intention are not the same. To really contribute to entrepreneurship intention, specific studies must be conducted to identify determinant of entrepreneurship intention. To identify the determinant of entrepreneurship intention, two main theories were widely used in the literature. The theory of planned behaviour developed by Ajzen n 1991. According to this theory, The intentions that precede any type of planned behaviour are determined by three factors: the attitude towards the behavior, the subjective norm (both referring to the desirability of the behaviour), and perceived behavioural control (referring to the feasibility of the behaviour). The second theory is the “entrepreneurial event” model of Shapero and Sokol developed in 1982 developed to explain the entrepreneurial phenomenon. According to this theory the decision to initiate an entrepreneurial activity requires a pre-existing belief that this activity is desirable and feasible, together with a personal tendency to act upon opportunities and some type of precipitating factor. In the analysis of determinant of entrepreneurial intention some other factors are considered like individual and situational variables which are important in the determination of intentions about entrepreneurial behaviour. These are personal history as a vicarious experience, personal characteristics such as values, attitudes, motivations and personality traits, as well as personal abilities, can predispose individuals towards entrepreneurial intentions. Additionally, political and economic factors and the social context as a social support, subjective norms, perception of opportunities and resources, etc. can also contribute to the formation of intentions for self-employment. Regarding the psychological constructs associated with the entrepreneurial phenomenon we find: self-efficacy, personality traits, risk-taking propensity and proactiveness. The study by Panagiota I. XANTHOPOULOU1 Alexandros G. SAHINIDIS (2022) found that the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are family environment, particularly the father's occupation, had a significant influence on students' entrepreneurial mindset and intention, as well as their social environment and the support they receive from it, Entrepreneurship education . Th study conducted by ISMAIL ALI YUSUF(2022) concluded that the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are family business background ,Self-efficacy ,entrepreneurship education. Asaad Hameed Al-ali, Al-Ahliyya (2021) indicated that the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are entrepreneurial competencies, perceived behavioral control, personal intention and self-efficiency. Muhammad Rakib, Amiruddin Tawe, Muhammad Azis Agus Syam Dian Anugrah Sanus (2020) said that the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are entrepreneurial creativity and self-efficacy both partially and simultaneously had an influence on student entrepreneurial intention. Zainah Jalil, Norfahrin Abdul Rahim, Nor Aizan Mohamad, Noorain Mohd Nordin, Wei-Loon Koe (2021) the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are attitude towards the behaviour, subjective norms and entrepreneurship education. Altanchimeg Zanabazar , Sarantuya Jigjiddorj(2021) the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are subjective norms and perceived behavior control. CANO, Jose A. ; TABARES, Alexander(2017) the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are the main personal motivations to be an entrepreneur, the strength of entrepreneurial intention, the influence of family, and social context of university. Sylvia Nabila Azwa Ambad, Dayang Haryani Diana Ag Damita(2016) the determinant of entrepreneurial intention are personal attitude, perceived behavioural control, and perceived relational support are the predictors to entrepreneurial intention. Aliyu Dahiru Muhammad, Sirajo Aliyu, Selim Ahmed(2015) entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norm and power of behavioural control. Md Reaz Uddin & Tarun Kanti Bose (2012) tendency of taking risk, need for achievement, education and environment for starting business, job security.,planned behaviour.
We found 45 factors. We made classification of those factors using term frequency.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial intention, Entrepreneurship education, attitude, behaviour,social norms,self-efficacy,planned behaviour theory.