In this video I show how to analyse Likert scale questionnaire. LI show how to calculate relative and absolute frequencies in rstudio. Likert Scale are most frequently used in research and allows to collect attitudes, opinion, sentiment, perception, etc. Likert scale can be used to collect aggreement on stament. For instance one can be asked to choose between "strongly disagree, disagree, neither agree nor disagree, agree and strongly agree". Likert scale can be used to collect opinion on level of acceptability, knowledge of action, level of appropriateness, level of importance, level of agreement, priority, level of desirability, level of concern, level of problem, frequency, affect on y, barriers, level of responsibility, level of satisfaction, level of influence, ect. This video aims to show you how you can perform likert scale questionnaire in rtudio.
keywords: likert scale, questionnaire, research.