This video tutorial is a complete introduction to testing Java code with JUnit and Mockito.
Other lessons: • Spring Web MVC Tutorials
0:00 Introduction
0:10 What is a Unit Test?
8:30 Why write Unit Tests?
10:58 The F.I.R.S.T principle
14:52 Test Code in Isolation
19:24 Testing Pyramid
21:44 What is JUnit 5?
1. JUnit 5: Testing Java applications - • JUnit - Testing Java with JUnit and M...
2. Testing RESTful Web Services • Testing RESTful Web Services
3. Spring Web MVC • Spring Web MVC Tutorials
4. Spring BOOT REST - • REST API with Spring Boot - Quick Sta...
My Video Courses:
1. Testing Java with JUnit & Mockito -
2. Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud -
3. Spring Boot Microservices, CQRS, SAGA, Axon Framework -
4. AWS Serverless REST APIs - For Java Developers -
5. OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications -
6. RESTful Web Services, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and JPA -
7. Unit Testings Swift Mobile App -
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