A rational argument for the existence of God, or more accurately, proof for the existence of an uncaused causer, before time, the universe and cosmos itself. An immaterial entity, deity or something which caused the birth of us and the world we know. This is a video about Kalam's Cosmological Argument, a new age, filtered and resolved type of Cosmological Arguments in the field of Philosophy inspired and driven from the Kalam School of Teaching.
I encourage all of you to take a dive into this part of the internet for a few hours, and eye opening and truly fascinating area which might give you the answers you consciously or subconsciously are seeking for. These list of Videos are content on this specific proof as well as others. There are also criticisms of these set proofs. Having both sides exposed will allow us for a better understand.
• Arguments For God's Existence Tier List
• Every Argument for God DEBUNKED!
• The Kalam Cosmological Argument EP1 |...
• The Kalam's Causal Principle: An Anal...
• The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Par...
• The Kalam Cosmological Argument - Par...
⏲️ Timestamps
0:00 Kalam's Argument
0:50 Deductive Argument
2:40 Premise 1
5:20 Premise 2
7:45 Conclusion
/ discord