Welcome to "Abhay Singh" Youtube channel. In this Video of Splunk: How To Push app through Deployment Server in Splunk | Splunk Navigation Menu Tutorial | Splunk app creation | Splunk Tutorial I have discussed about the Splunk Dashboard called Splunk App creation- How to create app Splunk which has a very good content for the newbies as well as for the expert. This blog has made many people expert in Deployment Server in Splunk,Splunk Development and Splunk Administration as you will get clear concept of Deployment Server in Splunk what is splunk dashboard, Splunk dashboard with explaination ,Navigation Menu in Splunk,Splunk Navigation Menu Bar,how to Customize Navigation Menu Bar,splunk navigation menu dropdown,how to add dashboard to menu splunk,how to How To Create App in Splunk,Splunk Create A New App procedure, as well as How can create app from dashboard in splunk and many more .
This is Abhay Vikram Singh and I Discuss here about Splunk Navigation Menu -how to create Splunk Navigation Menu which is very very important when you create the custom application for your Splunk environment. In this video, we have also shown how a sample custom application is created along with the navigation menu.
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to get to know more about Splunk. It has got many interesting topics related to the Splunk Development , Splunk Administration, Splunk Enterprise Security, Real Time Dashboards, etc.
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Architecture of Splunk :
Splunk Search and Processing Language :
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#Abhaysingh #splunkappcreation #DeploymentServer