Don't make the mistake of assuming that by simply saying "real estate", you are describing an asset class where everything is straightforward and set in stone... that is hardly the case and one-size-fits-all solutions most definitely do not exist.
For example, should you invest in raw land or developed real estate?
Difficult to say. Impossible even, at least not without knowing more about your current situation, goals and financial possibilities.
If you are interested in the cashflow dimension, developed real estate offers obvious benefits, as explained in this video.
However, variables such as higher upfront costs and depreciation need to be factored in.
The same way, even if you do personally prefer developed real estate generally speaking, what if a raw land-related opportunity that is asymmetrically in your favor appears?
This video attempts to compare the two options in a rational and hopefully unbiased manners so as to give you the tools you need to make the best decision for your specific situation.
If you found the video useful, consider checking out the website of its sponsor, With over 2,000 parcels to choose from across various US states, they make purchasing land as simple as finalizing an online transaction :)