201 тысяч подписчиков
430 видео
Consumer Price Inflation (Consumer Price Index/CPI) and Asset Price Inflation Compared in One Minute
The Bell Curve (Normal/Gaussian Distribution) Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Examples
Blockchain Technology Use Cases Explained in One Minute
Optimism and Positive Thinking During a Financial or Economic Crisis: A One Minute Perspective
The Economics (NOT Politics) Behind K-Shaped Recoveries Explained in One Minute
How Eurodollars Work Explained in One Minute: From Definition and History to Market Importance
The Sample Size Explained in One Minute: From Definition to Examples and Research Tips
Outsourcing, Onshoring/Offshoring and Nearshoring/Farshoring Defined, Explained & Compared in 1 Min
Shadow Banking (Hedge Funds, Money Market Funds, etc.) Explained in One Minute
Peer-to-Peer Lending (AKA P2P Loans or Crowdlending) Explained in One Minute
Supply and Demand Explained in One Minute
Statistical Significance, the Null Hypothesis and P-Values Defined & Explained in One Minute
The Standard Deviation (and Variance) Explained in One Minute: From Concept to Definition & Formulas
The Earnings Per Share (EPS) & Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio): Definitions. Formulas. Examples.
Negative Oil Prices Explained in One Minute: From Demand Shock to Futures Market "Fine Print"
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation: A One Minute Perspective on Correlation vs. Causation
The Nash Equilibrium (A Beautiful Mind, John Nash): Definition, Explanation & Examples in One Minute
Stagflation Explained in One Minute
Investing in Land Explained in One Minute
The Money Supply (Monetary Base, M1 and M2) Defined & Explained in One Minute
The Return On Investment (ROI) in One Minute: Definition, Explanation, Examples, Formula/Calculation
Profit Margins Explained in One Minute: From Definition/Meaning to Formulas and Examples
(NeverTrade.org) Why You Should Never Day Trade: The Risks of Retail Trading Explained in One Minute
The Economics Behind the Kamala Harris - Mike Pence Vice-Presidential Debate in One Minute
Why Trading Is a Scam Explained in One Minute
The Most Expected Recession (?) Explained in One Minute
The Risk to Reward Ratio Explained in One Minute: From Definition and "Formula" to Examples
Economics vs. Real Life in One Minute: The Ultimatum Game, Complexity and Data Reliability Issues
The Economics Behind Cartels Explained in One Minute: From Drugs to Oil (OPEC), Diamonds, etc.
The Tragedy of the Commons Explained in One Minute
Compound Interest Explained in One Minute
The European Union's Energy Crisis Explained in One Minute
Learn How to Calculate Your Net Worth in One Minute
The Dot Com Bubble Explained in One Minute
The Housing Affordability Crisis Explained in One Minute
The Silicon Valley Bank Situation and Possible Implications Explained
Decentralization Explained in One Minute: Bitcoin vs. Altcoins
Does Money Buy Happiness? Hedonic Treatmill, Income-Happiness Paradox and Social Comparison Theory
Raw Land and Developed Real Estate Compared in One Minute
Simpson's Paradox Explained in One Minute
Buying Gold in Canada (and Elsewhere) Explained in One Minute
GiganticWebsites.com: We Build Ultra-Affordable Scalable Websites With THOUSANDS of Quality Articles
Alternative Investments Explained in One Minute
Economists Can't Predict the Future: The Limits of Economic Predictions Explained in One Minute
Retail Trader Speculation Explained in One Minute - Meme Stocks, Meme Cryptocurrencies, etc.
The Mean (aka Average) and the Median Defined, Calculated/Explained and Compared in One Minute
Getting Rich Quick vs. Getting Rich Slowly: A One Minute Comparison
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Explained in One Minute
Onshoring vs. Offshoring (Outsourcing Domestically vs. Abroad): One Minute Explanation/Comparison
Trade (or Labor) Unions Explained in One Minute: Definition/Meaning, History & Arguments For/Against
Thomas Malthus (Malthusianism): Does Population Growth Lead to Food Shortages & Resource Depletion?