This video shows you the steps to configure the interfaces of the Cisco Router on a network topology using GNS3.
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To configure the Cisco Router's #FastEthernet, #GigabitEthernet, or Serial interfaces basically:
Step 1: First open the #GNS3 program and create a new topology, then add a Cisco Router, Switch, and one virtual machine.
Step 2: Connect all devices in the work area with the wiring.
Step 3: Run your virtual computer on VMware and configure VMnet settings according to the network topology you created.
Step 4: Now open the CLI prompt to assign an IP address to the Cisco Router and open the port and execute the commands in the 2:20 timeframe in order.
Step 5: After performing the above commands, you will see that the operation will be successful when you ping the Router from the virtual machine.
Step 6: To open any interface of the Router, you must use the command no shutdown in that interface.
Step 7: Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos on Cisco training with GNS3!
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