How can we build bridges into the future & prepare for a prosperous life? Jonar from reveals how we might cope with rising fuel prices and traffic. How can organisations deliver better services to their clients? Jonar Nader was commissioned by Sovereign to look into the future of life, business, technology, quantum computing, insurance, services, and innovations (such as bio data devices) that will change how we live and interact. Jonar said that the future hits some people in the face, and knocks them out. Conversely he noted that, for those who prepare well for the potential scenarios, the future can be exciting and mind-boggling. Jonar started by looking at why organisations tend to fail. He then explored some of the wildcards that come out of left-field to destabilise organisations and societies. Jonar explained: the solution to the fuel crisis; how consumers behave; how to add worth-or-wealth to consumers; how to build a buffer in order to absorb surprises; and how to plan for a successful future. Sovereign engaged Production Associates to engineer an amazing stage that used five high-tech screens using state-of-the-art technology from Big Picture. Jonar custom-designed his lecture to captivate the audience with piercing colour, stunning animations, and engaging sound-effects.
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