TrialPad When You're Just Not an Apple Guy?

Опубликовано: 25 Июль 2019
на канале: GroundworkTC

A question or concern that I frequently encounter with attorneys looking to dip their toes into litigation technology is that they can't or don't want to use TrialPad because they're not Apple people. While I don't want to minimize or trivialize their concern, I don't think it's operating system trepidation that is what is driving their hesitation. Perhaps they don't want to seem foolish or ostentatious by going out and buying a whole bunch of stuff just for trial. Or maybe they don't think they'll get enough value out of it.
But TrialPad is great, and I describe it as being just what 19 out of 20 trial lawyers need for 19 out of 20 of their trials. It's strength is its intuitiveness. My training sessions on TrialPad typically last only 30-45 minutes. And the cost of an iPad and TrialPad together cost less than what most people spend on boards for just one trial. And the iPad and the app can be used for many trials.
So if you're worried that it seems wasteful to buy an iPad just for trials, don't be. It's not wasteful. You'll use it not only for this trial, but for many trials. And the cost, even assuming you don't already have a serviceable iPad, is similar to what laptop versions of trial presentation software cost (and that's not even considering whether you may need to buy a new laptop to run that software properly).

Final note: due to some technical issues with a microphone at the tail end of this video, it ends a bit abruptly without a proper conclusion. But please feel free to leave any questions or concerns in the comments. and thank you for watching!
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