Evarist Bartolo on ‘The Geopolitics of Deception’

Опубликовано: 13 Декабрь 2022
на канале: 3CL Foundation

This clip is from ‘Young People & Information: It's Complicated’, a conference organised by the 3CL Foundation on 10 and 11 November 2022, in Valletta, Malta. The event revolved around three interconnected themes: addressing media freedoms; combating mis/disinformation; and understanding online behaviour.

Evarist Bartolo, Former Minister for Education and Employment, and Former Minister for European and Foreign Affairs, Malta, talks about ‘The Geopolitics of Deception’: Is there something deeper at work today to make us more prone to misinformation/ disinformation? Nostalgia for a lost comfort zone, for paradise lost when life was better and we all lived happily ever after?

Speaker Profile: https://bit.ly/Evarist-Bartolo

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