This clip is from ‘Young People & Information: It's Complicated’, a conference organised by the 3CL Foundation on 10 and 11 November 2022, in Valletta, Malta. The event revolved
around three interconnected themes: addressing media freedoms; combating mis/disinformation; and understanding online behaviour.
Moderator Herman Grech and panellists (left to right) Ricardo Gutierrez, Evarist Bartolo, Sean Stephens, and Clare Kiely, respond to audience questions at the ‘Young People and Information: It's Complicated’ conference in Valletta, Malta.
The Q&A followed four presentations:
Evarist Bartolo: “The Geopolitics of Deception”;
Ricardo Gutierrez: “Europe facing the decline of press freedom: State of play, solutions and good practices”;
Sean Stephens: “Ukraine: How Putin’s War Finally Forced Newsrooms To Take Their Younger Audiences Seriously”;
Clare Keily: “Community Reporting as a Public Good: Amplifying diverse voices and experiences”.
Speaker Profiles:
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