So yeah, an idiot by the name of Roberto Vanessa is accusing me of stealing Random Girl 24’s OC’s pose, which is possibly one of these stupidest excuse for accusing someone of plagiarism I have ever heard in my entire life, while they’re technically unaware that Random’s OCs are literally just traced art pieces from all the characters from Fundamental Paper Education… First of all, Roberto, it was a freaking coincidence, second of all: Drawing a character in a similar pose, as another character is not plagiarism, and third of all: Why the hell do you care that I hate Random?! She made a perverted genderswap version of my persona in Gacha Life and her friend Haiya_hate_All is an open racist and animal abuser, i’m not kidding it says so in their About Page on YouTube!
Audio I used
• Marvin's Marvinous Monday OST - Cease...
• Spongebob Squarepants - Where Lary Sl...
• SML Movie: Bad Santa!
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