Learn 5 hot tips for layering your edm claps. In this step-by-steps ableton tutorial I will be sharing some tips and tricks which will help you with layering your edm claps. If you don't know how to layer your claps properly make sure to watch this video until the end!
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There are a couple of key elements which you need to know if you want to know how to layer your claps and snares better. The first is the ADSR envelope (attack, decay, sustain and release) this is what affects the sound if your clap the most, so here you need to choose what kind of sound do you want to get – short and punchy or maybe long and lush. The second tip is choosing the right samples when layering your edm drums. I wouldn’t say there are bad or good samples, it’s always about the context. Even if you have a bad drum sample you can process it with effects like saturation/distortion, compression etc., and these effects can really make your edm claps sound much better. Be creative :)
The third tip for layering your edm drums is to use different layers. For example, you can choose one clap for the top layer, one for mid and one for low. By layering different claps you can achieve a wide variety of sounds. The fourth tip is using pre delayed claps (you can also manually move your claps to create that delay as well). If you’ve ever heard pre delayed house claps you know what I’m talking about. This can take your claps to a next level! And the final tip for layering your edm claps is using clipper or distortion plugin. Percussive sounds have transients which our ears don’t really hear but can be really loud, therefore we are going to use a clipper to make our claps fatter and also cut unpleasant transients from our sound, especially when we layer claps the transients can go really loud.