Breaking Bad Season Three Tier List - Ranked and Reviewed

Опубликовано: 31 Март 2023
на канале: Beat Rice

Time for the third installation of the Breaking Bad Tier List here on the channel! We're going to be looking at every single episode from Season Three, and putting them all on a tier list. Which one'll get the highest rating? Which ones will end up at the bottom? And most importantly, DID THE FLY EPISODE GET AN S TIER? Find out in this video, and let me know if any of my opinions made you irrationally angry in the comments section below!

0:00 - No Mas
2:48 - Caballo Sin Nombre
6:37 - I.F.T.
9:25 - Green Light
11:41 - Mas
14:45 - Sunset
17:38 - One Minute
21:15 - I See You
24:02 - Kafkaesque
27:14 - Fly
30:08 - Abiquiu
32:47 - Half Measures
35:10 - Full Measure