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⚠️ Как попасть в друзья - Кинуть запрос
🎮 Профиль в роблокс - https://www.roblox.com/users/81360857...
🎮 Профиль в роблокс лягушки https://www.roblox.com/users/23466718...
📷 Инстаграм - / oleg_kotov45
📞 Сервер Дискорд - / discord
🎮 Игра- https://www.roblox.com/games/60684962...
⚠️ Visit the pet shop in the small town to name your new friend! Dogs aid you in battle by attacking anybody causing harm! They won't kill, but they can take your health, slowing you down! If you have a dog, it can distract any enemy dogs!
🎉 POLICE DOG! Best when paired with a cop!
🎉 BULLDOG! Best when paired with a criminal!
🔥 SEASON 2! Out of this world! With space themed prizes!
✅ 7 NEW Contracts and other season improvements!
🛸 NEW VEHICLE! Grand prize spaceship!
☀️ SPRING Map! and more!
Thanks so much and enjoy!! We'll likely adjust dogs as we gather your feedback! ❤️