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Код WinterUpdate2021
🔵 Я в ВК - https://vk.com/id356443123
🔵 Группа ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/club171885755
❓ Как со мной поиграть - https://vk.com/club171885755?w=wall-1...
⚠️ Как попасть в друзья - Кинуть запрос
🎮 Профиль в роблокс - https://www.roblox.com/users/81360857...
📷 Инстаграм - / oleg_kotov45
📞 Сервер Дискорд - / discord
🎮 Игра- https://www.roblox.com/games/60684962...
February already! Our newest update is here!
🚀 - Season 8 has begun! With FUTURISTIC prizes including...
🤖 - The CELSIOR! Hover around in style. Free at Level 10!
🔥 - New GARAGE! With Favorites, Sorting, Grid view, and much more!
💰 - New Vehicle: The Badger! Find it at the Museum for 40k Cash!
☀️ - New Spring Map! Enjoy more colors than ever.
Plus, we have something cool coming mid-February! Stay tuned!