We love music and we love ultrarunning and this episode is a perfect intersection of those two things. From touring with Katy Perry and playing for Kelly Clarkson to starring on this season of The Voice, Kyle Whalum, Brad Sample, and Caleb Gilbreath are friends, professional musicians, and self-proclaimed running nerds who set out to train for, and complete the Pinhoti 100 ultramarathon on top of their already chaotic lives as they struggle to balance family life with the chaos of the music industry. Rhythm in the Darkness is a documentary about all of that and more, and so is today's conversation. It's a fun one for sure, so make sure you check out the documentary and the corresponding album at the links below.
Watch Rhythm in the Darkness on YouTube: • Rhythm in the Darkness: From the Main...
Listen to DFL Music's ""Rhythm in the Darkness"" EP: https://open.spotify.com/album/4YHJe4...
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