51 тысяч подписчиков
325 видео
CONVERGE CFD Models Engine Aftertreatment
CONVERGE CFD Models Gas Turbines
CONVERGE CFD Models Combustion and Spray in IC Engines
CONVERGE CFD Models Compressors
Simulation of a Wet Cooling Tower with a Forced Air Draft
Case Setup (4/4) | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #11
Simulating the Potsdam Propeller Test Case with CONVERGE
Simulation of an Industrial Axial Fan with CONVERGE
Simulating a Tricone Drill Bit with CONVERGE
Simulating the PSU Hydrogen-Oxygen Research Combustor With CONVERGE
WEBINAR | Harnessing the Power of CFD for Marine Engineering
Simulating the Blow-Out of a Premixed Ammonia/Hydrogen/Nitrogen-Air Flame
Simulation of the Lubricant Flow Inside a Gearbox
Simulating an Aviation Gas Turbine with CONVERGE
CONVERGE Simulation of the TORAD Spool Compressor
Installing the CONVERGE License Manager for Windows
Simulation of Annular Gas Turbine Combustor Relight
Configuring Boundaries and Repairing Surface Defects | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #2
WEBINAR | Improve Engine Aftertreatment System Performance With CFD
Simulation of a Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) Engine
WEBINAR: Tools for Detailed Chemistry in CONVERGE 2.4
WEBINAR: CONVERGE with Intelligent Light: Exploration of ICE Simulations
Changing the Game | An Inside Look at CONVERGE 3.0
CFD Simulation of Diesel Engine Intake Flow
Repairing Surface Defects in the SI8 Geometry (1/2) | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #5
WEBINAR | Go With The Flow: Modeling Fluid-Structure Interactions
Internal Combustion Engine Simulation with CONVERGE CFD
Simulating an Offshore Capping Stack with CONVERGE
Simulating In-Cylinder Combustion and Conjugate Heat Transfer in a Single-Cylinder Engine
CONVERGE Tutorial Series: Water Pump Steady-State Solver Case Setup
Preparing the Piston for Motion | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #7
CONVERGE Studio 2.2 Training: Case Setup (1/4)
Case Setup (1/4) | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #8
CONVERGE Studio 2.2 Training: Importing a Geometry and Configuring the Interface
CONVERGE Tutorial Series: Pouch Cell Battery Pack Case Setup
Overview and Importing a Surface | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #1
Case Setup (3/4): Regions | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #10
CONVERGE Tutorial Series: Hydrogen Direct-Injection Engine Case Setup
Case Setup (2/4): Boundaries | CONVERGE Studio 2.4 Tutorial #9
Creating a Geometry and Flagging Boundaries in CONVERGE Studio (1/6)