In this video you will use a Python script on Ubuntu to manage automatic firewall entries on and AWS hosted Ubuntu system. You standard AWS system group will allow SSH traffic in and really has to, allowing remote management and access. By opening up SSH there will be many scripted attacks on your system . Although we could use products like fail2-ban, automating the protection yourself helps you learn and manage your system better.
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00:00 Introduction
00:30 Demo of the final solution
03:50 View problem on new system
05:01 Start editing python script
08:55 Run first draft of script
10:23 Add regular expression to search for IP addresses
14:30 Run 2nd draft of script
15:12 Enable UFW
16:46 Install pip
17:32 Install pyufw python module
18:20 Add UFW support to script
20:50 Run final script
21:58 Add crontab entry