In this Warframe Guide, I'll show you how to mod EVERY GUN in the game in a beginner friendly a step by step way!
We're going to look into the different roles that weapons can play in your Warframe's Loadout and explain the impact of specific Mods and Builds so that you can ramp up your damage output immensely...
This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, WarframeFlo, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more...
Background vector: - Image by vector_corp on Freepik
► Chapters:
0:00 How this will help you...
0:50 What most Tenno miss...
1:58 The MOST IMPORTANT Question!
2:49 Damage DOESN'T matter!
4:34 Modding your MAIN WEAPON
15:36 The ARCHON KILLER Build!
17:35 5X YOUR DAMAGE with the right Secondary...
21:00 The one Mod I left out...
21:52 Stat Sticks
23:20 How to go on from here
► Tags:
Warframe Guide,
warframe 2023,
warframe beginners guide,
warframe mod guide,
warframe mod menu,
warframe how to mod,
warframe how to mod weapons,
warframe build guide,
warframe weapon build,
warframe weapon builds,
warframe weapon modding,
warframe weapon modding guide,
warframe weapon mods guide,
warframe waepon mod guide,
Warframe Mods,
Warframe Mods guide,
Warframe modding guide