Sevagoth Prime is one of the BEST Warframes when it comes to nuking enemies. SO in this Warframe Build Guide, I'm going to show you how to mod your Sevagoth to give him crazy damage and also fix his survivability issues.
We will talk about both his nuking Build but also one setup that focusses on his Shadow form.
This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, WarframeFlo, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more...
0:00 - ...something, something Sevagoth OP
0:27 - This video is structured DIFFERENTLY.
1:25 - Sevagoth's Passive
2:21 - Sevagoth's 1st Ability: "Reap"
3:32 - Sevagoth's 2nd Ability: "Sow"
4:29 - Sevagoth's 3rd Ability: "Gloom"
6:02 - Sevagoth's 4th Ability: "Exalted Shadow"
6:54 - Sevagoth Nuke Build
13:12 - Charging the Shadow
13:52 - Shadow's 1st Ability: "Embrace"
14:22 - Shadow's 2nd Ability: "Consume"
14:34 - Shadow's 3rd Ability: "Death's Harvest"
15:17 - Shadow's 4th Ability: "Reunite"
15:24 - Sevagoth Shadow Build
Background vector: - Image by vector_corp on Freepik
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Warframe Guide,
warframe sevagoth,
warframe sevagoth prime,
warframe sevagoth build,
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