📷 Инстаграм - / oleg_kotov45
🔵 Я в ВК - https://vk.com/id356443123
🔵 Группа ВКонтакте - https://vk.com/club171885755
❓ Как со мной поиграть - https://vk.com/club171885755?w=wall-1...
⚠️ Как попасть в друзья - НЕ КАК
🎮 Профиль в роблокс - https://www.roblox.com/users/81360857...
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🎮 Игра- https://www.roblox.com/games/92058723...
Киллман: https://www.roblox.com/users/50466743...
Thank you everyone for supporting me and my game (:
Check out the social links down below the description! And follow the game while you're at it c:
1-9 = Activate/Deactivate your weapon.
X = Toggle sprint.
Q = Punch/Kick, gives a single experience point.
T = Block, duration increases based on Durability.
M = Equip/Unequip Mask
Click = Attack
E = Special 1
R = Special 2
F = Special 3
C = Bonus Special
0 = Arata (CCG Team)
G = Kakuhou Special/Quinx
Double tap (W/A/S/D) to evade.
Do not trust any other 'Ro-Ghoul' copies on roblox! Those games may threaten your account! Be safe out there (:
Still in heavy development.
Please do not try to ruin the game for other players as we have our own moderation system and may temporarily ban you or in worse cases, permanently.
Accessories aside from hair gets removed.
*- Ginkui bug fixes, also changing it's materials to match Noro.
*- New Arata feature! Stamina. Equipping Arata will show a stamina bar. Being above half allows you to continue healing, below half will stop your regeneration, and no stamina will drain health.
*- New Arata added! Shogun Arata.
Recent update(s):
*- Buffed EtoK3 E and Blocking.
*- Nerfed TakiK2's block shredding.
*- Added a new feature that allows you to set your spawn location! Able to be changed on death.
*- New combat option for Ghoul, Kakuhou Specials/Mister's Specials, accessed by pressing G after buying one from Mister.