POKEMON MANSION - Pokemon Red Randomizer Nuzlocke w/ GameboyLuke!! - Episode 18
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UR8 GUYS?! Welcome to our next Pokemon Randomizer being Pokemon Red! This randomizer is different from most others as it adds pokemon all the way up to 721, as well as the new typings and attacks. This creates a fresh, new experience for generation one which is huge as I've played this game hundreds of times every since I was young. I'm very excited to bring you this series and I really hope you enjoy!
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•• Credits ••
♫ Intro Music ♫
Hyper Potions - Big Snowman
• Hyper Potions - Big Snowman [FREE DOW...
♫ Outro Music ♫
Porta Vista - Hyper Potions
• [Future Bass] - Hyper Potions - Porta...
Outro and Intro Designed By Myself