How to AFK KUUDRA KEYS & Make MILLIONS Per Hour... (Hypixel Skyblock)
Hey there, today we talk about how to AFK kuudra keys which is used for the kuudra bossfight and earn millions of coins per hour at the same time and grind bestiary on top. This method has been seen before but never tried to its full potential which is what I will be talking about today :D
I know AFKers can be very annoying, but the summons from the necromancy weapon don't affect the i-frames of the boss meaning you can hit the mage outlaw with no issue + if you only use 2 zombies, their hitboxes are small enough for other players to just move around to the other side and the hit the boss.
0:00 - How to AFK KUUDRA KEYS and more...
0:30 - What mob to AFK?
0:57 - Thunder Bottles
2:23 - Kuudra Keys
3:46 - Bestiary
5:34 - How much money per hour?
• Terraria Calamity Mod Music - "wastel... - DM DOKURO
btw its kinda "patched" (a few days after uploading) since summons despawn now whilst AFK but you can still AFK thunder bottles and potentially bestiary if you use a skeleton pet etc and just hope you dont get AFK kicked
hey why you looking down here xd? if you're so intrieged to be down in the description then comment something funny about this and we can keep this a secret between us... #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #hypixelskyblockguide