This video goes over how to use Twitch to download all your addons for Wow Classic. I also highlight the 45 addons I personally use that helps me a ton with within the game. I know there are some addons I might of missed on this list and I love to hear your feedback of your favorite addons to use.
If you ever have any questions to hesitate to ask me questions I'm always here to help and open for positive feedback.
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AdvancedInterfaceOptions - turn lua errors off
Atlas Loot - Check what drops in dungeons
Bagnon - Bag addon puts all in one bag and searchable
Bartender4 - Best addon for the ability bars
Fishing Buddy - louder bobber sound when fishing
Bump - Sum of detail of xp and gold gains when exiting dungeon
Capping Battleground Timers - Timers for Battlegrounds
Classic Loot Assistant - Shows handy info on whos turn to loot core hound
ClassicAuraDurations - tracks debuffs you buff on target above nameplate
Combuctor - Another good bag addon
Deadly Boss Mods - shows raid mechanic timers
Decursive - Small grid to one click remove dubuffs
Dominos - Another good ability bar adon
Extended Character Stats - shows breakdown of stats you have
Fade World Timers - Tracks world buff timers
FarmLog- Can turn on and off while doing hours of farming to track rewards.
Fivesecondrule - small bar to track when you get your mp5 back after 5 seconds
FlyoutButton - One button that can hold tons of abilities in one.
Gathermate2 - Tracks Gathering nod locations
GTFO - Tells you to get out of fire or whatever bad your standing in for raids.
H.H.T.D - marks healers with a cross so you target them first
HonorSpy - tracks honor weekly gains and brackets to rank in pvp
InFlight Taxi Timer - Gives length of time from flight pattern to Flight Pattern
ItemRack - Lets you create keybinding to switch tons of gear with one click
LeatrixPlus - Best addon there is soo many quality of life features
Modern Target Frame - Shows exact health of mobs
Moveanything - Move literally anything on your screen, increase and decrease sizes too
Neatplates - changes the nameplates has nice features
Necrosis - Warlock addon to combine tons of abilities into one small sphere
Notepad - Somewhere to write your thoughts / notes down
Nova World Buffs - Best addon to track all world buff timers
OmniCC - Shows exact time in minutes when ability is able to be used again
Ora - you can create a thing where if someone messages you INV, it auto invites to group
Prat - Lets you modify the chat functions
Quartz - ability bar modifier, i use strictly for its cast bar
Questie - Best addon for doing any type of quest
Raidsummon - Creates a side box so warlocks can summon easier
Speedy Autoloot - Makes looting faster
Gathermate 2 Data - The second part of addon that stores all the nod location data
Spy Classic - shows any nearby person of opposite faction
Threatclassic2 - Tracks threat for raiding you can use details also
TradeSkillMaster - Best auction house addon and has tons other great features
UnitScan - Lets you set and track certain rare mobs and flashes screen when appeared
WeakAura's 2 - can set up long codes (download them ) to track about anything.
Z-perl unit frame - I use for my raid unit frames
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I will be uploading at least 1 to 2 videos a week mainly focused on Wow Classic gold methods and general guides. They will range from super basic for beginners to more advanced for veterans.
The videos below are a few of my best uploads to date that you don’t want to miss.
👍 The Time I lost 2,500 Gold - • Opening 40 Sacks Of Spoils - 3,600 Go...
👍 Updated Black Lotus Locations All Zones - • Updated** Black Lotus Spawn Locations...
👍 How to Make Gold in AH using TSM4 - • TSM4 Beginner Setup Guide | Wow Class...