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CoAP - lecture 44/IOT
SMQTT - lecture 43/ IOT
MQTT - lecture 42
Difference between ZigBee, 6LowPAN, WiFi, Bluetooth - lecture 41/ IOT
Applications of Wireless Sensor Network - lecture 40/ IOT
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) - lecture 39/ IOT
Near Field Communication ( NFC) - lecture 37/IOT
Basic components of RFID and it's advantages and disadvantages - lecture 36/ IOT
RFID and it's applications - lecture 35/ IOT
ZigBee and it's types - lecture 33/ IOT
6LowPAN - lecture 32/ IOT
IEEE 802.15.4 standard - lecture 31/ IOT
IOT Challenges - lecture 30/ IOT
IOT Service Oriented Architecture - lecture 29/ IOT
Pneumatic Actuator | Electrical Actuator - lecture 27/ IOT
Actuator and it's types| Hydraulic Actuator - lecture 26/IOT
Sensor types ( part 1) - lecture 23/ IOT
Scalar vs Vector sensors and Active Vs Passive sensors - lecture 22/ IOT
Analog sensors VS Digital sensors - lecture 21/ IOT
Classification of Sensors - Analog and Digital sensors - lecture 20/ IOT
Components of Sensor node - lecture 19/ IOT
Characteristics of sensors - lecture 18/ IOT
Sensors and it's properties - lecture 17/ IOT
IOT VS WOT - lecture 16/ IOT