66 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
Lattice and it's examples - lecture 86/ discrete mathematics
File,types, attributes and operations-lecture5 lecture 13/os
Check given language a^nb^n is not Regular language using pumping lemma - lecture114/toc
Program Flow Mechanisms -ACA
Complex Query using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS - lecture59/DBMS
WOT -Web of things - lecture 15/ IOT
Auto Encoders - lecture 46/ machine learning
Second order homogeneous recurrence relation with 2 distinct roots - lecture 95/ discrete maths
Flowchart with example of multiplication of two signed magnitude fixed point numbers-lecture34/coa
Difference between XML and HTML - lecture 82/ IWT
Pneumatic Actuator | Electrical Actuator - lecture 27/ IOT
Difference between ZigBee, 6LowPAN, WiFi, Bluetooth - lecture 41/ IOT
Sensors and it's properties - lecture 17/ IOT
Sensor types ( part 1) - lecture 23/ IOT
Components of Sensor node - lecture 19/ IOT
Near Field Communication ( NFC) - lecture 37/IOT
Basic components of RFID and it's advantages and disadvantages - lecture 36/ IOT
6LowPAN - lecture 32/ IOT
Directory and directory structure-Lecture15/os
Conversion of PDA to CFG - lecture102/toc
Backpatching using Syntax Directed Translation - lecture 72/ compiler design
Instruction types/Data manipulation instructions/shift Instructions- lecture19/coa
Difference between Syntax Directed Definition and Syntax Directed Translation - lecture 62/ compiler
Linear sequential/waterfall model-lecture4/SE
Difference between perspective projection and parallel projection- lecture 58/computer graphics
Computer Network Architecture - Peer to Peer network - lecture 4/ computer network
Advantages of DBMS - lecture4/DBMS
Instruction formats- lecture5/coa
Difference between public,private and protected access modifier- lecture12/oops
XHTML (part 2) - lecture40/IWT
Indexed addressing mode-lecture10/coa
Three address code using quadruples, triples and indirect triples - lecture 58/compiler design
IOT Challenges - lecture 30/ IOT
State, behaviour and identity of object- lecture44/oops
Sigmoid / logistic activation function - lecture 20/ machine learning
Html list - Definition list - lecture27 /IWT
Finite state machine with output - Mealy machine - lecture44/ toc
Instruction types/Program control Instructions- lecture20/coa
Object oriented database model - lecture33/ DBMS
Identifying Relationship - lecture24/DBMS
Mergesort algorithm using divide and conquer technique-lecture24/ADA
MQTT - lecture 42
Http request message - lecture11/ IWT
Web design issues - Page layout and linking - lecture18/IWT
Physical design of IOT/ IOT Protocols - Lecture 9/ IOT
Characteristics of IOT - Lecture 4/ IOT
IOT Architecture / IOT Architectural View - Lecture 6/ IOT
2D Transformation - Translation - lecture 22/ computer graphics
Examples of POSET/ Hasse diagram which are not lattice - lecture 87/ discrete mathematics
Difference between serial and parallel data transmission-lecture85/coa
Relative addressing mode- lecture9/coa