Детская песенки про мытье рук и пирог с чаем на английском языке
Handwashing song
Tops and bottoms, tops and bottoms
In between, in between
Scrub them all together, scrub them all together
Now we’re clean, squeaky clean
Alligator pie. (by Dennis Lee Alligator Pie, 1974, немного измененная)
Alligator pie, Alligator pie.
If I don't get some,
I think I'm gonna cry.
Тake away the grass,
Take away the sky,
But don't take away
My Alligator pie.
Alligator tea, Alligator tea.
If I don't get some,
I think I'll climb a tree.
Take away the ocean,
Take away the sea,
But don't take away
My Alligator tea.
Можно еще придумать стихи на эту тему, например так:
Alligator cake, alligator cake,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna shake.
Take away the river, take away the lake,
But don't give away my alligator cake.
Alligator soup, alligator soup,
If I don't get some I think I'm gonna droop.
Give away my hockey stick, give away my hoop,
But don't give away my alligator soup.
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