Kubernetes Hands-on for CKAD Preparation - 1

Опубликовано: 28 Июль 2019
на канале: Dipesh Majumdar

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer, preparation - 1

1. create temp namespace
2. inside temp namespace create a {deployment, service, pod} with name as web,
image=nginx and label app=web and service exposed to 80
3. inside temp ns create a jumpbox with label app=jumpbox1 and image=busybox and name as jumpbox1. enter it. and do a GET / on
port 80 of servicename created at point 2. Exiting shell sould delete jumpbox1 pod.
4. create another jumpbox pod name as jumpbox2, label as app=jumpbox2 and image=alpine
and enter it and install curl and do same wget as done in question 3 and then curl servicename:port to check output is 200
5. create jumpbox3 similar to point 3, but this time without entering pod get / same service name on port 80
6. create a docker container with name jumbox4 and image as alpine. now enter it and install curl.
do a curl for / on service name in question 2 and see it doesnt work. figure out why it doesn't work. upon exiting the
container should be deleted
7. create a nameless docker container and do a echo hello world without entering the docker container. status should be exited.
now delete the container. now from same nameless docker container run whoami from outside but this time container should be
deleted, once the task of running the command ends. image can be alpine or busybox.
8. Create a nameless docker container and enter it. run "whoami" Now exit it. Make sure the container remains alive. query it
with appropriate docker command. stop this container. remove this container.
9. Delete namespace temp