A more industrial history tape exploring the remnants of the Dochart Brick and Tile facilities in Arnprior.
An article written by Colin in the Bytown Railway Society's Branchline of June 1987 gives a brief history and description of the facilities:
"The Dochart Brick and Tile Company has been in business since 1866 and ceased to ship last year. In recent years the company produced flower pots and some ceramic ware. There were a variety of different railways in use. Clay is the raw material for the firing process and this was quarried close to the main works. It was brought to the works by means of a three foot gauge railway that was constructed with a form of snap track. The "main line" extended about a quarter of a mile into the quarry and the clay was moved in small four wheel skips. There are steep grades down from the pit into a dip and then up towards an unloading shed. The line makes use of the contours to climb up to the second storey of the unloading shed..."
Read the full article at: https://churcher.crcml.org/Articles/A...
0:00 Dochart Brick and Tile, Arnprior
1:08 Plymouth locomotive, s/n 3412 of 2/1938 at Dochart
2:16 Enginehouse from Gilles Bros Mill, Arnprior.
3:01 Dochart Brick and Tile Arnprior. Plymouth 3412 36 inch gauge
I thank Colin once again for the permission to upload this footage onto this channel. Bellow are links to his website, where more information can be found on the railways of the Ottawa Valley and abroad.