In this video I go over my process for Market Flipping Capes in Albion Online. I first go through each cape one by one listed by Cape type and then at the end of the video I explain a bit about flipping different qualities of Capes. This is where you can find diamonds in the rough with limited competition from other flippers. I am just flipping in Martlock and Bridgewatch, but this method works regardless of which market you are flipping in or what time you are market flipping.
The economy changes so rapidly so it's important to understand the concepts in order to flip items that are most suitable for you. I linked the profit margin calculator below for anyone interested in using it while they determine which items they should flip.
Timestamps are below. Thanks for watching, liking, subscribing and commenting!
00:00 - Intro
00:31 - Profit Margin Calculator
01:20 - Capes
09:13 - Bridgewatch Capes
12:05 - Fort Sterling Capes
14:03 - Lymhurst Capes
16:27 - Martlock Capes
17:29 - Thetford Capes
19:15 - Caerleon Capes
21:27 - Brecilien Capes
22:50 - Avalonian Capes
24:08 - Heretic Capes
25:10 - Undead Capes
26:24 - Keeper Capes
27:19 - Morgana Capes
27:50 - Demon Capes
29:08 - Flipping Capes of Varying Quality
Profit Margin Calculator (Make a copy to Use): Spreadsheet Link:
#albiononline #marketflipping #solo