In this video we explained the method to create popup window modals in Svelte Kit and TailwindCSS. Also explained how to pass event to parent component with the help of createEventDispatcher().
How to manage missing feature values in Dataset
NE555 in a Nutshell. (Please see full video if interested, the link is below)
when you work from home and go get a 47 min cup of coffee
I get dunked on by my Sans shimeji
🎨Уборочная машина и разноцветная вода | Сборник песенок про машинки | Детские ритмы про волк|BabyBus
Alien Shooter Games/ Level - 8
What is Internet Computer? | ICP Coin Price Targets + Crypto Review | Is ICP a Good Investment?
Parameters by Value
Abdul Rehman 2050 is live!
Embedded systems engineering roadmap
Learn Embedded System Along with me
OpenCV python+ Arduino color based object detection Real time
solar wind wapda hybrid inverter prototype
ESP32 CAM QR code scanner to fetch patient vitals from server
FreeRTOS ESP32 Queue | FreeRTOS Inter task Communication Complex Example
ESP32+FreeRTOS | Task Suspension and Task Resume with vTaskSuspend and vTaskResume functions
FreeRTOS ESP32 Tutorial | esp32 FreeRTOS example | Led Blinking Example
Arduino ECG plots
Arduino project with smoke detector and Android application for display and notification
FastAPI Docker Quick and Easy Setup | Deploy FastAPI with Docker in minutes along with TensorFlow
June 25, 2024
DLD project Binary Up counter with clock division using CD4060
Arduino+Django position tracking with mpu6050 trained on Decision Tree
Arduino+Django+MPU6050 Sending data to Django API for Live Data update
nodemcu data to firebase and android kotlin
Nodemcu + DS18b20 + DHT11 + firebase realtime database
Arduino+ DecisionTree from Python to C: Real-time Machine Learning on Embedded Systems
Arduino+HC05 Bluetooth module sending DHT11 temperature humidity thermistor temperature and sound
April 9, 2024
Transfer Learning For Dog Breed Classification With Tensorflow Mobilenetv2 Model
ESP32 cam i2c OLED display interfacing with two wire library to make software based i2c pins