SPPU TEIT Laboratory Practice-I (Machine Learning) Practical-1 || Data Preparation in Machine Learning
NOTE: The explanation is in Hindi!
Installation of anaconda & Jupyter Notebook in win 10 and Ubantu || How to use Jupyter Notebook.
• Installation of Anaconda & Jupyter No...
Data preparation:
Download the heart dataset from the following link. https://www.kaggle.com/zhaoyingzhu/he... Perform the following operation on a given dataset.
a) Find Shape of Data
b) Find Missing Values
c) Find data type of each column
d) Finding out Zero's
e) Find Mean age of patients
f) Now extract only Age, Sex, ChestPain, RestBP, Chol. Randomly divide dataset in training (75%) and testing (25%).
Create a confusion matrix based on the data and find
I. Accuracy
II. Precision
III. Recall
IV. F-1 score
Source code Link: https://mliot.miracledevelopers.in/
Tutor: Ashutosh Kurhe
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