HOP Podcast #2: What is The Human Origin Project?

Опубликовано: 25 Июль 2019
на канале: The Human Origin Project

What is the Human Origin Project?

Steven and Stefan discuss the scientific fields that guide our audiences topics. From prehistory and geological earth periods, to DNA, evolution and the human brain, we outline the scientific parameters that are defining The Human Origin Project.

In this episode we’ll discuss ancient civilisations, archaeological sites, and calendar systems that provide the most compelling evidence for the true human story.

When you think of the conditions for an evolutionary leap to happen you would think that resources have to be abundant. Well, that's not necessarily true, actually, because they can be restricted in order to change and put a restriction on DNA and certain traits, for instance.

But it doesn't make sense that the rise of, for instance, the civilization which is an organized community. I don't know, maybe there is an explanation there that the conditions kind of painted the solution where the surroundings where we did find. But for me, 1100 years of almost harrowing condition doesn't facilitate.

If we were hunter-gatherers before why wouldn't we just be hunting-gathering and you would just be surviving instead of innovating. When you look at in the context of Göbekli Tepe there is vast technology that needed to be understood and basically implemented in order to build this.

As hunter-gatherers, if you put that much energy into these kinds of efforts, you are taking it away from your survival skills. There's an argument therefore in the needing of agriculture. But do you just say oh we need to build these stone circles, so we need to build agriculture? I think there's a missing line and there's a big line of investigation there.


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