Booties, baby booties with a step by step description in one video.
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When a newborn in the family appears, each mom wants to give him warmth, love and care. The manifestations of these feelings are very different: the child can sing lullabies, scrupulously follow its food, crumbs tell tales, play and cuddle him. And you can make him a gift with their own hands! The most relevant and up to date on the first months of baby's life will be connected booties you for your crumbs. How to tie booties knitting needles? The first baby shoes booties are. But he did not need them only when he begins to sit, crawl or walk. Even newborn pipsqueak needs so comfortable and warm garment. The booties his legs, not only will not freeze, but gradually begin to be prepared to wear shoes with hard soles. If we talk about knitting bootees spokes, there is often the question arises: what kind of yarn is better to opt for bootees? There are several possible answers: you can choose the appropriate thickness of wool or cotton yarn or she prefer acrylic or mixed yarn. If you are going to wear booties on bare feet, make sure that the string was soft and not pricked, then the child will not have skin irritation from contact with this type of footwear. Since kids often pull the leg in his mouth, yarn for bootees choose expensive and proprietary - it is a guarantee that the manufacture of yarns were used only high-quality dyes. Many stores sell special thread "for children", which is completely harmless and hypoallergenic.
If you knit booties for a boy, choose a thread of blue, blue, lilac flowers. The girls will be more appropriate pink, red, crimson or orange booties. Universal is considered to be yellow and green - they are suitable for all infants. Finished products can be decorated. To do this, use a well-finished appliqué, embroidery, satin ribbons and flowers associated hook. bootees size depends on the age of the baby. Here is the approximate age of a lookup table and a baby foot length:
up to 3 months - 80-90 mm;
from 3 to 6 - 90-100 mm;
from 6 to 8 - 110 mm;
from 8 to 10 - 120 mm;
from 10 to 12 - 130 mm.
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