hey buddies, here you will get it to know that Hot air will rise up ...By a simple experiment..
Astrokronos 30 Mayıs 2021 _ Merkür Retrosu ve Yalanlar
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Дежурная часть -Саратов - 22 01 2024
Light passing through prism||Dispersion||Physics
*Hot air rises* Experiment || Home made Experiment||#PhysicsForFun
Introduction to Laurent series (Definition part)|| part :-01|| #Complex#Physics
Principal value problem (Cauchy)|| Controversial question of CSIR NET|| #Complex
Problem on Rotation operator in Quantum mechanics||#Physics#CSIR NET#GATE
Analytic Function||introduction to cauchy rieman equation||#Complex#Physics#Mathematical physics
f(x)=|x|; checking continuity and differentiability of a function||#Physics#Mathematical Physics
Pauli Matrices in brief||#Physics#Shorts
Differentiability of a complex function||Part :-04||#Physics#Mathematics
Limits of Complex Function|| part:-03||#Physics#Mathematics
Complex Function || part :-02||argument of Z||#Mathematical Physics#Physics
Introduction to Complex Number||Part :-01||#Physics#Mathematical Physics
Laplace transformation in brief||Mathematical physics#physics#CSIR#NET#GATE
Properties of FOURIER TRANSFORMATION||part :-02||#Physics#Mathematics
Fourier transformation (Part :-01)|| Introduction to Fourier transformation||#Physics#NET#GATE
Trick to obtain Minimum number of Bound state for FINITE WELL|| part:-02||#Quantum mechanics
Finite well(Part:-01)|| Introduction to Finite well || #Quantum mechanics#Physics
Matrix Representation of an Operator in Quanum|| Lz in matrix form||#Quantum #physics
Uncertainty Relation between Operators||∆A∆B||#Physics#Quantum mechanics
Introduction to expectation value of an operator in Quantum mechanics||Part :-01||#Quantum#Physics
Sudden Expansion of 1-d box/Infinite square well || JEST problem|| #Quantum physics#JEST
Introduction to Infinite Square well potential||1-d box & important formula||#Quantum mechanics#
JEST series||Trick to find Expectation value of Momentum by Baker-Hausdorff Relation||JEST:-2012
JEST series||Problem on Product of Uncertainties||JEST :-2014#Physics#JEST