Spring Web MVC | 03 | Configure JSP & JSTL Support

Опубликовано: 26 Январь 2022
на канале: Sergey Kargopolov

In this video lesson, we will configure our Spring Web MVC application support JSP(Java Server Pages) and JSTL(Java Standard Tag Library).

Other lessons:    • Spring Web MVC Tutorials  

1. Spring Web MVC    • Spring Web MVC Tutorials  
2. Spring BOOT REST -    • REST API with Spring Boot - Quick Sta...  

My Video Courses:
1. Spring Boot Microservices and Spring Cloud - https://bit.ly/3iOYgpH
2. Spring Boot Microservices, CQRS, SAGA, Axon Framework - https://bit.ly/3wfCMcH
3. AWS Serverless REST APIs - For Java Developers - https://bit.ly/3EWMQfe
4. OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications - https://bit.ly/32LCWfT
5. RESTful Web Services, Java, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and JPA - https://bit.ly/3GVgkve
6. Unit Testings Swift Mobile App - https://bit.ly/34GdAzn

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