Specific Heat Capacity of Water - Physics Experiment

Опубликовано: 09 Май 2021
на канале: vt.physics

To find the specific heat capacity of water, you need a power pack, a joulemeter, an electronic balance, and a calorimeter.

Place the calorimeter on the balance, zero the balance, and pour in some water. Take a reading of the mass of the water from the balance.

Plug the power pack into the joulemeter and plug the joulemeter into the calorimeter.

Place a thermometer in the calorimeter and note the initial temperature.

Turn on the power pack and allow the temperature of the water to increase. Once the temperature has been raised to a significant amount (I increased it by 7 degrees in the video), record the amount of energy transferred and the final temperature.

Calculate the specific heat capacity of water using the equation:
energy transferred = mass x SHC x temperature change