In this video I will discuss, 10 Things You Need To Give Up If You Want To Be Exceptionally Successful:
If you want to take off and be successful, you need to be very careful about your extra luggage in life. It's common for us to think about the things we need to get in the future so that our dreams can come true.
Many of us have certain habits that are hard to break. The good news is that you can get rid of your bad habits and mindsets right now. So give up these 10 things:
#1: Doubt:
You are sabotaging your own progress when you let yourself be negative.
It all starts when you tell your brain that this is where you want to go.
It's not going to happen if you keep thinking that way.
You don't have to be your own worst enemy.
Instead, cultivate positive thoughts that will make you want to keep going toward your goals.
#2: Making decisions based on emotions:
Successful people let their anger, sadness, or frustration pass without acting on it when they're in a bad mood.
Making a decision after you've calmed down can make all the difference in how well you do at something.
#3: Putting too much faith in people's words of praise is too bad:
Nobody can speak for you or make things happen like you can. You have to be your own best fan. This means that if the right opportunity doesn't come along, you should make your own chance.
#4: Being a control freak:
There is a limit to how long we can pay attention and how strong we can be.
You can't pay as much attention to the important things if you try to micromanage every part of your life, which a lot of people who want to get things done try to do.
In this case, there isn't an excuse to do bad work.
You should only work on things you can control.
There will be some slip-ups if you're going outside your comfort zone and learning a new skill.
Being flexible in the face of problems is a virtue you need to learn in order to make a difference in your life.
#5: People-friendly:
The outside world is a big, messy place. Everyone wants to be seen, be ahead, and change the game.
So, people won't talk to you all the time.
If you want people to believe in and compliment you, you have to show them through hard work.
Stop doing things for the praise of others. Instead, do them because they are needed to make your vision come true.
#6: The "blame game.":
It doesn't matter if you don't get it right this time. Don't complain and don't play the blame game.
Getting nothing in return for your time will be a waste of time.
Keep your work and decisions in your own hands.
It will teach you to be more humble and give you valuable experiences that you can take with you as you move closer to your dreams.
#7: Multitasking:
A study from the University of California, Berkeley, found that on average, office workers get interrupted only 11 minutes into their work.
While it can take up to 25 minutes to get into a state of productivity called flow, it can also happen quickly.
That's why it's so important to stop multitasking and spend all of your energy on the important things.
Valuing your time by thinking of it as money will make you want to work hard to get what you want.
#8: A bad company:
Studies show that your parents were right when they told you this when you were a teen.
The people you hang out with have an impact on how well you do.
So, of course, the problem is that we can't always choose the people we meet every day.
But being able to recognise Negative Nancies and not pay attention to their bad energy is very important for having a positive mindset.
#9: Giving up:
People who are very successful don't take "no" for an answer.
Instead, they come up with new ways to turn rejections into milestones, and this is how they deal with them. Go for it!
It is important to keep in mind that failure is a good place to start for success, so don't give up!
Persist and be strong enough to try again. The more times you clean the dirt off your shoulders and try again, the more you'll learn.
#10: Spending too much money on things that don't matter is bad:
A study of people who make more than $100,000 a year found that, surprisingly, most of them don't own expensive cars.
Because they know that investing for the long term can be better than spending money on things that don't last very long.
One thing that almost all millionaires and billionaires have in common is that they set aside money for a savings account.
If you're having a hard time giving up overspending, think about the 20–30–50 Plan:
spend 20% of your money on investing (or paying off debt),
30% on fun and the other 50% on things that need to be done (like rent).
0:00 Welcome
1:00 Habits
5:40 Conclusion