Full playlist of ATXVII matches here: • EVE Online | Alliance Tournament XVII
The Alliance Tournament returns in 2021 for its 17th edition! Matches took place over two weekends in November.
Rules: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/a...
Prizes: https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/a...
Brackets (contains spoilers): https://challonge.com/atxvii
Match schedule (contains spoilers): https://bit.ly/302aM1y
ATXVII Feeders playlist: • EVE Online I Alliance Tournament XVII...
Start playing EVE Online today: https://www.eveonline.com
#EVEonline #MMO #spacegames #alliancetournament CCP Seagull introduces the in-development Clone States feature for EVE Online, slated for release in a big November 2016 expansion. With Clone States both old and new players will be able to take part in EVE for free.
Read the more in-depth devblog here: https://community.eveonline.com/news/...
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Cloning scientists in New Eden have been hard at work with the aim of bolstering their military capability of capsuleers for use by the Empires. In the process, they’ve developed a new method of cloning that revolves around two new clone states, Alpha and Omega.
Omega clones will be familiar to our current pilots, and will operate just like a subscribed character does today. Alpha clones will be accessible for free, without subscription, and will be capable of training an assigned set of skills themed to a character’s race.
The skill set that Alpha Clones can train is race specific to the character that is training, and includes skills for flying tech one frigates, destroyers and cruisers, and for basic access to trading and industry.
To try EVE for free, head over to http://www.eveonline.com