So I picked up this old desk for free off the streets of Madison in April 2016. This was actually a gateway Craigslist score; It made me realize abandoned solid wood furniture could be repurposed for the workshop. Starting with something like this saves a ton of time and lumber! Shortly after making my super simple outfeed extension, I decided this would be perfect for a full fledged outfeed table. And five years later, it was complete...
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@MakeSomething's 2018 tweet about Wendell Castle, which inspired the look for this table: / 955490860854018049
@UnderDunnOfficial completely rebuilt his Craftsman contractor saw to add outfeed support, among other things: • Completely Rebuilding My Old Table Sa...
@VintageWoodWorkshop offers another approach to outfeed support for a contractor saw: • Out feed Table for Vintage Contractor...
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