HasanAbi VOD from 6 July 2023
00:00 Intro
06:42 Basketball
07:46 Braveheart (1995)
12:56 Silo
15:37 Beef (Netflix shows)
16:18 Aleksa Joined & Braveheart
22:04 AustinShow / HasanAbi | Meet & Greet
24:08 xsqueezie not xQc xD
26:33 Slavoj Žižek’s Tweet
30:01 Cornel West
31:09 Six Days in Fallujah
33:58 The French Guy
36:26 Revolutionary War
38:40 American Born MP, Joy Morrissey
39:30 Boris Johnson is Turkish??
48:02 European plan for Turkey
50:24 The US Military is Planning for a War with China by Johnny Harris (Intro)
52:01 is Hasan CIA?
53:14 The US Military is Planning for a War with China by Johnny Harris (Start Video!)
55:12 Why? Why is it one of the most hotly contested places on the planet? Why is America there?
56:42 Without US, China and who would have tension?
59:50 Why are we scared of Chinese military footprint growing?
1:00:49 “Only we get to do that”
1:01:23 US Position on Taiwan
1:04:00 America’s commitment to the One China policy
1:08:03 America is defending democracy?
1:09:22 Pro China?
1:11:58 Indian chatter who is Anti-China
1:15:00 “Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier”
1:18:19 Airspace Trick
1:19:45 Turkish Airspace “Does that make sense to you?”
1:20:32 CNN Gets rare access abroad U.S. military surveillance flight over south china sea
1:21:08 Chinese Balloon
1:22:14 Air Defense Identification Zones in East Asia
1:29:19 Back to The US Military is Planning for a War with China by Johnny Harris
1:28:12 It’s defensive guys
1:38:57 What are we watching? | Alex Joined
1:46:29 Australia’s Defense Policy in 2023 Explained | Utopia
1:48:40 Back to The US Military is Planning for a War with China by Johnny Harris
1:49:55 B-52 Bombers – The Defensive Bombers
1:57:58 Isn’t the claim, Taiwan is more China, optics to make China happy?
2:00:04 Hasan’s Advice on how to react when your girlfriend accused you of lying xD
2:09:31 China’s Catastrophic Oil & Gas Problem by RealLifeLore
2:15:12 “Which is why it should belong to America and by America I mean not directly America but indirectly through like a client state”
2:31:38 “90 days of China without electricity or 90 of America without Chinese trade?”
2:33:36 "It's so strange that he's not covering America's interest having maintaining the relationship with China as a really important trade partner"
2:36:07 The real reason why America and China are not warring and just saber-rattling
2:42:53 Military Budget
2:48:41 “Move to China then Bro!!!”
2:53:45 “That’s COPIUM” said Hasan
2:59:58 How U.S. treat corruption vs how China treat corruption
3:05:12 “How China Stays Stable Despite 500 Protests Every Day” 2012 Article by Max Fisher on The Atlantic
3:06:23 Back to China’s Catasthophic Oil & Gas Problem by RealLifeLore
3:08:46 China Concentration/work camps for the Uguyrs
3:14:00 Hasan’s Getting ready for his flight!
3:15:35 The Aussie Boys Stream! (Hasan’s getting ready for his flight!)
3:20:50 A Current Affair
3:22:40 Monk taken to court after accusations he splurged at Sexyland | A Current Affair
3:26:46 WTF xD
3:32:35 “What are you guys watching?” Said Hasan xD
3:39:47 Neighbours at war over wheelie bin placement | A Current Affair
3:49:06 Outro