Learn how to disable keyboard shortcuts in Gmail. This will help you prevent accidentally launching these keyboard shortcuts while using Gmail.
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Keyboard shortcuts can be a great way to speed up your email workflow in Gmail, but they might not be for everyone. If you’ve found that these shortcuts are causing more confusion or errors than they’re helping, disabling them can be of benefit to you. You can continue to use your mouse for navigation through Gmail.
Disable Keyboard Shortcuts On Gmail:
How To Turn OFF Keyboard Shortcuts On Gmail:
How To Deactivate Keyboard Shortcuts On Gmail:
How To Stop Using Keyboard Shortcuts On Gmail:
Step 1: Launch your web browser and go to Gmail, then log in to your account if you’re not already logged in.
Step 2: In the top right corner of the Gmail interface, click on the gear icon (⚙️) to open the Quick settings menu. Select “See all settings” at the top of the menu. This will take you to the full settings page.
Step 3: Once you’re on the settings page, look for the “Advanced” tab. Click on it to access more settings.
Step 4: Under the 'Advanced' tab, you’ll see an option labeled “Custom Keyboard Shortcuts”. They should be set to "Enable" by default. To turn them off, select “Disable” instead. This will turn off all keyboard shortcuts.
Step 5: To apply your changes, click on “Save Changes”. You can test a few common shortcuts, to ensure the changes took effect. They should no longer trigger any actions in Gmail.
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