I hit women and children because I'm pretty, because I'm stronger and they can't fight back. A song with meaning. The author of the song wants to say that you can't be such a person. On the preview the character of Cyrus Uchicago.
➥ My name is Kira Yoshikage. I'm 33 years old. My house is located in the North-Eastern part of Morio, where all the villas are located. I'm not married. I work at the Kame Yu Department store and come home no later than 8 PM. I don't smoke, but I do drink sometimes. I go to bed at 11pm, and make sure I get exactly eight hours of sleep no matter what. After drinking a glass of warm milk and stretching for twenty minutes before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Like a child, I Wake up in the morning without any fatigue or stress. At my last check-up, I was told that I didn't have any health problems. I'm trying to convey that I'm an ordinary person who wants to live a quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies-victories and defeats – that might disturb my sleep. That's how I feel about society, and I know it makes me happy. Although if I had to fight, I wouldn't lose to anyone. Vulgar.
➥ Song ➼ I beat women and children
➥ The Contractor ➼ Valentin Strykalo
➥ Original ➼ • Валентин Стрыкало - Я бью женщин и де...
✘ INFO ✘
➥ Anime ➼ The incredible adventures of Jojo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 season)
➥ Episodes ➼ All recent seasons
➥ Author of AMV ➼ https://vk.com/video-177956572_456239138
[VK]: http://bit.ly/vkonaniland
[Email]: [email protected]
[Insta]: http://bit.ly/anilandmemes
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