This beginner-friendly guide will teach you the basics of Microsoft Excel, the powerful spreadsheet application. Learn A-Z in Excel. For beginners in Excel 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021, 2023, Office 365 Excel.
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This course is designed for absolute beginners, those who want to start working with Microsoft Excel but have no previous experience. After completing this course, you will be a confident Excel user who will be prepared for situations that occur in real life.
In this course we will cover the following topics:
Where to get Microsoft Excel?
Launching Excel
Main Screen
Backstage Area
Quick Access Toolbar
Keyboard Shortcuts
Workbooks and Worksheets
Saving Workbooks
Entering and Editing Data
Navigation and Selection
Formulas and Functions
Sum Function
Count Function
Average Function
Min and Max Functions
Absolute and Relative Referencing
AutoSum and AutoFill
Flash Fill
Named Ranges
Managing Named Ranges
Using Named Ranges
Applying Number Formats
Applying Date and Time Formats
Formatting Cells, Rows and Columns
Format Painter
Working with Rows and Columns
Working with the Cells
Each of these sections will be discussed with examples that allow you to better understand the topic we are discussing. This will give you a solid foundation for understanding Microsoft Excel and learning it further.
What you'll learn
Become Confident at Microsoft Excel
Start applying Excel in real world situations
Build a solid understanding on the Basics of Microsoft Excel
By the end of this course you will be able to quickly and masterfully utilize Microsoft Excel
#Excel #MicrosoftExcel #Morioh
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