Ops! I did it and DO NOT Recommend | TRAGICOMIC Job Applications
💩 Ooooooops! I did it in the past but I DO NOT recommend it. This is a series of videos where I’m sharing with you some of my tragicomic real stories that happened to me during my professional life.
I had so much fun recalling and recording these videos! I hope you like them!
One of the best parts of maturity is that we can - and should - learn and, why not, laugh from our mistakes.
Do you have any tragicomic stories to share? I will LOVE to hear (read) that!
Prof. Carolina Borges
👉As always, feel free to post your questions in the comments below or to email me [email protected]
Cheers to the career you WANT!
#career #careerchange #softskills #careercoach #CarrerFunnyFacts
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#CareerMentor #SoftSkills #jobApplications