Aquarean Illumination: Ethereum & the Infinite Information Machine

Опубликовано: 13 Октябрь 2023
на канале: Jordan McKinney

In this video I talk about Aion, the precession of the equinoxes, and how the turning of our celestial clock may give us hints about how to move forward into the new age of Aquarius. Specifically I talk about our information landscape, or "Matrix", and how our current Matrix is starting to break. I also present some rough ideas for how we can both escape from, and also build a new Matrix on top of our World Computer ie. Ethereum.


We are nearing completion of our 2000 year trip through the age of Pisces, and now moving into the new age of Aquarius...

These ages are defined by the 25,700 year precession of the equinoxes, where Earth's axis, slowly precesses, tracing a circle over the 12 constellations, like the hand of a celestial clock — 2166 years per constellation... Plato called the full cycle a "Great Year", and each of the 12 segments "Great Months"...

The Age of Pisces was many things. It was the _Christian age_: A new landscape of Good and Evil was established with Christ on one side, and Satan on the other. It was also a _spiritual age_: the soul was elevated in importance far above the body, and the spiritual realm elevated above the fallen domain of nature.

But for all its spiritual illumination, Pisces was also characterized by a kind of darkness. We understood our universe and ourselves through symbols, stories, and metaphor — like artists. Our world was not concrete, but fluid. Like the two fish which symbolize Pisces we were completely immersed in the currents of our reality, but also, somehow, unaware of them — oblivious to the water we swam in.

But the age of Aquarius is different. In this age of illumination, all dark waters must be charted, all strange seas must be explored. It's time we shine the light of the logos on all places. No longer fish swimming in water, we must become carriers of water — and of course, the symbol of the Aquarean age is the water carrier...

And this process of illumination has already started. At the end of Pisces, in the 17th and 18th century, we began to master a new mode of thinking. We sharpened our instruments of reason and rational thought and began the great dissection of nature herself — we became scientists.

But a few centuries later, and we seem to have gotten cold feet. Serious inquiry now is contained to approved domains, and conducted by approved institutions. Have we lost our sense of adventure? Have we lost our spirit of exploration? Are we brave enough today to investigate extra-sensory perception, psychedelic entities, UAPs, alternate history, conspiracy theories, our collective shadow, — God?

And I'm not suggesting we believe any of these things, only that we make an honest and rigorous investigation into them. Because we're in a period of chaos, and chaotic times call for vision, information, and knowledge.

And we finally have the technology necessary to do this — we have a World Computer! A computer is being built at the center of the Internet which has value as a primitive. Upon this computer we can build new sense-making systems which are fast, efficient, transparent, economic incentive-aligned, and immune to ideological capture. We can focus the brightest minds onto the most important questions. Then we can find the truth.

Jung said, "that which you need most will be found where you least want to look". This is true not just for the individual, but for the whole of mankind.

It's time to look...


0:00 - intro
3:49 - past, present, future
5:21 - past: aion, tides of history
29:39 - present: the matrix
51:32 - future: a new matrix
1:10:11 - outro